Life-changing solutions for Memphis youth
Life-changing solutions for Memphis youth
Who we are
We’re dedicated to creating astronomical futures for our kids and reimagining what is possible
C.L.A.Y. (Cultivating the Life of A Youth) was founded by Greg Winston in 2018 and is dedicated to empowering young people. We include students from all walks of life. Helping each student uncover their latent potential.
Paving a better path for Memphis youth
Learn more about our process, which transpires through three stages:
Training: Dynamic sessions that inspire and change thought process of all participants.
Monthly Engagements with Participants: Including an online follow-up and monthly Summits that review the training elements.
Apprenticeship Programs: We partner with businesses across Memphis to place program participants in jobs above the poverty level, and later enter into housing purchased through the Land Bank Commissions.
About Greg Winston
Greg Winston, “Team Leader” for C.L.A.Y., is a nationally known author and speaker. Greg developed Ascension, a psychology-based program that has proven to heighten self-esteem and build confidence. The singular goal … to allow children to think in very positive ways.

Greg’s program has been successful in California. Recently, several Memphis nonprofits have selected this program to empower families and save children. Growing up in Little Rock’s projects such as Granite Mountain, Tuxedo Courts, and the East End, Greg resorted to crime. After being released from the Juvenile Detention Center. Immediately, he was sent to live with his grandfather in Varner, Arkansas. The teachings of his grandfather changed his life. Later, Greg chronicled those life-changing lessons in his first book, “When Life Is a Barbed Wire Fence.”
Greg went on to receive a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Arkansas. As a star athlete in high school and college, Greg was invited to speak to kids about his experience. His fondness for helping kids keeps him actively speaking to them over the last 30 years. Several years ago, a request from his former boss and the then-Mayor of Memphis allowed Greg to develop C.L.A.Y.
Our Partners in Memphis’ Future

About us
Why we do
what we do
Memphis is facing a trifecta of challenges: violence, neighborhood decay, and drugs. CLAY’s programs are a unique, economically driven response.
For the leaders at C.L.A.Y., our focus has become the work with kids. The steps we take will become known as the “process.” The process is a path for endangered children in Memphis. In almost 100% of our cases, the path includes the parents of those endangered children.
Together, we “pair” and move from “It’s me” to “It’s we.” That combination forms the answer to combating crime that has eluded Memphis for more than 40 years.
We seek to help people become the person they see in their dreams. We help each member realize their potential. At that exact moment, economic development is initiated, replacing crime in thoughts and actions.
Promisingly, leader Greg Winston has used this process on the West Coast and brings it to the future leading city of the South – Memphis.
The Situation
Memphis today has very little resemblance to the power city on the Mississippi, the world’s largest spot cotton market. Long gone are the days when the city was known for creating the Piggly Wiggly supermarket chain and early music pioneers such as Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, and Howlin’ Wolfe. Today, the talk around the water cooler turns to youthful defenders, needless deaths, and a fear never considered in the early years of Elvis, barbecue, and Stax Records. From afar, we were a symbol of the progressive South.

Americans have always believed in the power of self-determination and in their ability. Now with coaching, a change in their attitudes, our members excel. In many cases, researchers rarely bother to study whether motivation has any measurable effect on the way a person’s life turns out. But C.L.A.Y. has.
We boast a 72% success ratio and are bringing this power learning to Memphis.
The power of CLAY

The only program that combats crime through self examination, vision building and life education rather than through speeches, inconsistent monitored activity and simple pats on the back. We create dreams!

The only program that pairs the child with a parent or guardian during each facilitated session.
Full curriculum including modules that include: psychology, life skills, health, art, and sports tutoring.

Safe, nurturing school environment with Saturday classes – weekday follow-up.
Individualized attention and program customization to fit student needs.
Highly qualified teachers and staff are the power of CLAY.

Strong corporate, foundation, government agency, non-profit service provider, faith-based outreach and cultural partnerships.
Career & marketable skills development based on the leading industry sectors found in the Greater Memphis area.

Job placement.
Housing relocation when necessary to insure access to a more supportive environment conducive to successful transition and adoption of a new state of mind.
Transportation to and from scheduled program activities.

We partner with other child training organizations where synergy exists in an effort to pool resources and as a feeder source for Ascension. Potential Partners: All Memphis City Services, Memphis area Churches, The Juvenile Detention Center, Shelby County School District, NAACP, Boys and Girls Clubs, and the YWCA.
What’s new

CLAY’s Statement on Tyre Nichols
A statement from CLAY Founder Greg Winston.

Memphis nonprofit seeks to give youth job opportunities and turn them away from crime
Winston hopes to lift up other minority youth in Memphis who were once in his position through his nonprofit, Cultivating the Life of a Youth (CLAY).

CLAY Partners with Memphis Electrical JATC, Creates Jobs for Minority Youth
Those who complete the CLAY curriculum will have the opportunity to interview for a full-time electrical position.

Greg Winston appears on cityCURRENT radio show
cityCURRENT host Jeremy C. Park talks with Greg Winston, Founder and CEO of CLAY (Cultivating the Life of a Youth).

How cities can support youth apprenticeship programs
We have work to do in both improving programs and raising student and parent awareness about a career preparedness path.

It’s electric: New partnership to offer young Memphians a pathway to starting a career
A new partnership will provide career opportunities for local minority and at-risk youth.
Get Involved
We want to hear
from you
Step into the incredible stories we’re building for the people who are truly Memphis’ future. Get in touch to learn more.
Parents and families who are interested in learning more about how youth can benefit from program participation should contact info@clayinc.org.
Beth Wilson, Wilson Public Relations
OTHER INQUIRIES: If there’s a question you have that hasn’t been addressed on the website, please contact Greg Winston at greg@gregwinston.com.
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